Monday, 12 April 2010

11 Days - with 7 elastics

It's incredible ... except when I have to eat, I don't remember I have all these elastics.

My daily wear doesn't vary much, which I'm hoping is good -
- 4 hours on Thursday- 19 hours (10 hr, 9 hr) on Friday
- 19 hours (9 hr, 10 hr) on Saturday
- 22 hours (19 hr, 3 hr) on Sunday
- 21 hours - 18 x 7 (12 hr, 4 hr, 2 hr) + 3 x 4 on Monday
- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Tuesday
- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Wednesday
- 20 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 11 x 4 on Thursday
- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Friday
- 22 hours - 19 hr + 3 x 4 (when I had visitors) on Saturday
- 22 hours - (18 hr + 4 hr) on Sunday
- 21 hours - 11 x 7 (8 hr, 3 hr ) + 10 x 4 on Monday

I'm changing my diet to raw, although sometimes I've found chewing a challenge, but I'm loving the changes I'm learning about. I'm also having one green smoothie a day ... and they're amazing!

My favourite green smoothie so far is -
- 200 gm silverbeet
- 3 bananas
- 1 handful of strawberries
- 1 cup water

Blend ... and enjoy!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Thursday - 1 Week with 7 elastics

Apart from not being able to eat with these elastics in, things feel as comfortable as they usually do. Often I go to put something in my mouth and then realise I can't. This is a reminder why I don't like the thought of invisalign and why I'm grateful it was never an option for me.

My daily wear hasn't varied much -
... so far -
- 4 hours on Thursday
- 19 hours (10 hr, 9 hr) on Friday
- 19 hours (9 hr, 10 hr) on Saturday
- 22 hours (19 hr, 3 hr) on Sunday
- 21 hours - 18 x 7 (12 hr, 4 hr, 2 hr) + 3 x 4 on Monday
- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Tuesday

- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Wednesday
- 20 hours - 8 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 11 x 4 on Thursday

I now think it'll be weekends that will be the challenge, as this weekend I have several activities and they will grately reduce my x 7 elastic wear ... but I'm coping well with x 4 wear, so here's to that making progress.

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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tueday - Day 5 with 7 elastics

First day at work since my new elastics and although I only have to wear four at work, I feel they hold as tightly as the seven do. The best part is, with four I can talk ... although I still can't eat 'real' food.

My ortho was pleased with the times I've been managing and still wants me to work hard at wearing the seven elastics as much as possible.

... so far -
- 4 hours on Thursday
- 19 hours (10 hr, 9 hr) on Friday
- 19 hours (9 hr, 10 hr) on Saturday
- 22 hours (19 hr, 3 hr) on Sunday
- 21 hours - 18 x 7 (12 hr, 4 hr, 2 hr) + 3 x 4 on Monday
- 21 hours - 9 x 7 (7 hr, 2 hr) + 12 x 4 on Tuesday

I can't see me being able to decrease the hours wearing four elastics, due to that being from when I got ready to leave home till I took them out for tea. Here's to there being some progress soon. My ortho has warned me, that with my history, it's possible that my teeth will not move as desired ... but I'm hoping they'll prove him wRoNg!

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Monday, 5 April 2010

Monday - Day 4 with 7 elastics

Today was a public holiday ... so I've managed 'good times' again ...

I managed to wear them -
- 4 hours on Thursday
- 19 hours (10 hr, 9 hr) on Friday
- 19 hours (9 hr, 10 hr) on Saturday
- 22 hours (19 hr, 3 hr) on Sunday
- 21 hours - 18 + 3 hours (12 hr, 4 hr, 2 hr) + 3 hr of 4 x elastic wear on Monday

I'm now more comfortable with the elastics in than out. That's something I didn't expect.

When I take the five elastics that run across the front of my bite off, there's not a huge difference in feeling, but when I remove elastic one and seven ... the ones on the sides, my jaw feels lost ... it's a huge 'release of pressure' feeling. Interesting ...

Here's some pics of my mouth with 4 x elastics, what I need to wear when I have to talk, for example when I'm at work.

This is much easier to cope with than the 7 elastics, although I can't eat with them in.
Tomorrow I return to work ... it will be interesting!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Sunday - day 3 with 7 elastics

Today ... Sunday ... my mouth is feeling heaps better ... my jaw isn't achy, which is a huge relief.

Last night I cleaned before going to bed ... around midnight ... and I've not taken these things out since. It's been 13 hours ... and I'm stoked I've done this long. I've been drinking protein shakes (with loads of yummies added - pureed), so I'm not hungry. Have to admit I'm looking forward to tea time ... as I'll definitely be eating big time. Will make sure I have softish food, as my jaw may not be too keen on chewing ... but will see how it feels at the time.

After the protein shakes, I've been brushing the front of my teeth gently and using a mouthrinse. I've not been off my property, so I'm not concerned about odours at this moment ... but if I sense visitors, I'll be in my bathroom asap!

My ortho said he's only ever done this a few times in the past and only with stubborn patients ... I think he meant patients with stubborn teeth ... and I couldn't laugh properly, as I already had the elastics in when he told me!

He has said I only need to wear elastics numbers 1, 2, 3 and 7 during work hours and when I'm public, and if possible number 4. Then add 5 and 6 (the ones that stretch the furthest) when I don't need to talk to people, or eat.

Last night ... after two days of 19 hours ... here's the pics of share relief!
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Saturday, 3 April 2010

These Elastics are Horrid!

I managed to wear them -
- 4 hours on Thursday
- 19 hours (10 hr, 9 hr) on Friday
- 19 hours (9 hr, 10 hr) on Saturday

... I'm not counting Thursday ... as that's when I got them, but Friday was a holiday and Saturday's the 'real' weekend ... so both days are short by 3 hours.

I can't work out how I'm going to fit that extra 3 hours in ... plus if I decide to have a life (like go off my property) ... I'm not sure how I'd cope in public with these elastics in, as I can't talk properly, I can't eat and ... whinge, whinge, whinge ...

The frustrating thing is ... I really what my braces off asap ... and this seems like the best way to make this happen. Maybe I need to not work for the next few months ... stay away from friends ... and phones ... and just wear these elastics ... except when I'm eating and cleaning my teeth.
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I'm not sure why I'm doing the cheesy metal grin ... as really I'm not smiling on the inside!

A reminder of what's happened in the past 4 1/2 years of treatment

Wow ... it does make me realise that heaps has changed ... even though it often feels that there's so much that needs doing!
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Smiling through seven elastics

My lastest 'chair time' brought with it a major change in elastics ... in fact more major than I thought possible!

My ortho said he's trying to 'pull' my bite together so I can get my braces off. They've been on far too long (no disagreement from me on that one) ... so something needs to be done. Hopefully if these elastics work ... and for the discomfort, they damn well better ... my teeth will be free this side of christmas. Now that's something to motivate me to do my best to wear them as directed.

Wearing instructions ... as long as possible each day! Break that down further ... try to achieve 15 hours on work days and 22 hours on weekends, holidays etc. Oh my dear Goddess ... those are long hours. My ortho added that I need to try and wear them for long periods ... by that he was meaning, not to put them in, take them out, put them in, take them out ... Think I may try and keep a log on here to see what I achieve ... as I do need to try hard and this may motivate me, if I have to write it down.

My jaw is still a bit achy and there's no way I can eat with the elastics in. Also talking is a challenge, although I'm doing my best. It's a good thing this started the evening before a long weekend ... as that gives me four days to do my best!

Here's the photos ... beware ... these are scary!

Front ... showing my open bite. My upper front teeth are tied together with chord after having IPR to straighten the edges of them, so they meet without a gap.
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Left - this shows the seventh elastic, it travels from the hook on my upper canine under the hooks on my lower canine and premolar and back to the upper canine's hook. The bend in the archwire is still working to bring down and align the upper premolar ... but it doesn't seem to want to move.
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Right - the beginning of the six elastics to 'pull' my bite across. The cord tied around the brackets on my lateral incisor and first premolar have totally closed the gap where my impacted canine sits in my jaw. That chord is still there and the major bend in the archwire is to bring that premolar down even further ... but like the left one, it's not keen to move. Then there's a bend to try and bring the second premolar into better alignment ... I'm hoping they work ... very soon!
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Just for some fun ... I quite like this look, as you can't see all the wear on my front teeth, or all the things that orthodontics alone can't fix without surgery. This photo also shows, that even with the elastics 'pulling' my jaw round, the middle of my upper teeth is way off ... so without surgery, even if my teeth move, my jaw will remain well off centre. This hopefully won't affect my bite in the long term. One thing I love about this photo, is that it makes my upper teeth look to be well in front of my lowers. They're not really that far in front (as the upper two side view show) ... but it looks great compared to where I started, with a class III and edge to edge.
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Laughing ... well as best I can with these elastics holding tightly ... I've decided that after having braces for so long, laughing is really the only way to look at my situation.
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