We visited our travel agent today, after hubby's radiation treatment. We've filled in the forms to apply to our travel insurance company to delay our trip till 2009. Our Doc has filled out the medical form and now we need our agent to fill in the details regarding costs, what we've paid, and any differences that will need to be addressed due to the delay.
We're now looking at May 2009, as we don't want to travel at peak, but do want to try and get good weather. Our agent found that the cruise we want, left Rome this year on 10 May, so we're hoping the dates will be similar for 2009!
This gives my hubby plenty of time to recover and for both of us to become much fitter and able to cope with long days of walking ... as there's so many things we want to see while we're in Italy, Greece and Turkey.
Hi Karen,
How're things going w/ your jaws and your husband? That cruise sounds like a ton of fun. Hope everything's going well w/ you!
I hope everything went smoothly with the travel agent.
How is everything going with your husband? How are YOU through all of this?
I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!
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