Sunday, 4 March 2012

International Soap Swap

I have been paired with Puri and I'm very excited to be swapping with an international soap maker.

I've sent Puri an email and now we have to decide on what we'll be swapping.

I plan to put photos on here and detail this process.

Exciting times ahead!

PS ... I can't find a translation button on Puri's blog, so I'm not sure where Puri is from or any other details ... but the soap pictures on the blog are outstanding!


dPurArte said...

Hola Karen, lamento no saber inglés, estoy esperando que me traduzcan tus mensajes para poder comunicarme contigo. Yo también utilizo el método en frío, para decorar los jabones.Te envío mi dirección por e-mail. Me alegra mucho que mis jabones viajen tan lejos. Me gusta mucho tu blog y sobre todo poder vender los jabones en el mercado. Muchos besos y hasta pronto Puri

Dragon (Karen) said...

Hi Puri!

Thanks for your kind words!

*** Spanish to English ***

Hi Karen, I regret not knowing English, I'm expecting that they translate me your messages to communicate with you. I also use the method in cold, to decorate the soaps.I send you my address by e-mail. I am delighted that my SOAP travel so far. I love your blog and above all to sell soaps on the market. Many kisses and see you soon Puri


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