Saturday, 5 August 2006

Photos Adjustment 7

Here's one that shows the new brackets on my molars. After all I've read about banding molars, I'm so pleased my ortho doesn't see the need for bands and uses buccal brackets instead! This photo also shows my open bite and cross bite.
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Another pic of my right side! I took this one to see how my teeth are connecting, coz it feels like they aren't, and that photo does confirm what I suspected ... all in the name of progress ... right!
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Left side! Damn having to get more brackets! The gap between my lateral and canine has opened again ... guess this is why it's so necessary to wear retainers to keep teeth in place, as this opened within a couple of days of the powerchain being removed! Note to self ... wear your retainers if you don't want to travel this path again!
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Front view of my bite! I just took another angle to check which (if any teeth) were touching! I'm sure this will be a good one to refer to when Con returns to fixing my bite!
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